Getting into a Flow for the New Academic Year: Tips and Strategies for Research Faculty

Sheila Cherry, PhDcareer success, productivity, research success, strategic vision, time managementLeave a Comment

The summer break is a valuable time for research faculty to pursue scholarly interests, collaborate with peers, and engage in professional development. And the contrast with the start of the fall semester can feel like getting pushed straight into the deep end. You may face a pile of administrative tasks, teaching responsibilities, and service commitments. We know some even feel … Read More

Averting an Energy Crisis

Sheila Cherry, PhDcareer success, research leadership, research success, strategic vision, time managementLeave a Comment

The laws of thermodynamics describe the behaviors of energy in systems. Famously, the 1st law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; energy can only change forms. This change in form is more specifically captured in the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which in part indicates that every energy transfer will result in some amount of energy becoming less useful … Read More