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Research Career Accelerator

A group coaching mastermind to accelerate research careers

20 Lessons

  1. Make intentional, measurable progress in your career and research program

    Strategic Plan template

    Strategic Plan Example

    GROW model worksheet

    44:00 MINS
  2. 22:16 MINS
  3. 29:08 MINS
  4. An overview of the NIH Career Development (K) Awards program and types of awards.

    05:55 MINS
  5. Insight to who and when an individual is eligible for a K award.

    05:02 MINS
  6. 06:08 MINS
  7. Understanding K award budgets

    01:24 MINS
  8. When should I submit a K application?

    03:35 MINS
  9. Introduction: Why it is so important to understand the application review process

    01:20 MINS
  10. What happens to my application once it reaches NIH?

    15:57 MINS

17 Lessons

  1. How do I present myself as the ideal K awardee?

    16:15 MINS
  2. Introduction to the Principles of Successful K Award Applications

    03:29 MINS
  3. Here we cover the first common feature of successful K applications

    06:13 MINS
  4. The second key feature of successful K applications

    06:18 MINS
  5. Principles of Success: #3

    04:59 MINS
  6. The fourth key feature of successful K applications

    11:37 MINS
  7. How to bring these 4 principles together to present a compelling application

    15:37 MINS

9 Lessons

  1. Avoid common pitfalls and challenges in growing your research program

    Growing Pains Symptom Checker

    Break the Bottlenecks

    53:00 MINS
  2. The Time and Overwhelm Transformation series contains 10 short videos from our popular 2-day workshop.

    The concepts and activities center around self-reflection and other hands-on exercises to assess your current uses of your time and energy and identify opportunities to shift toward a more sustainable approach.

    Please download the fillable workbook below to facilitate your discoveries through these exercises.

    Fillable_Time and Overwhelm Transformation Workbook

    11:00 MINS
  3. The Time and Overwhelm Transformation series contains 10 short videos from our popular 2-day workshop.

    The concepts and activities center around self-reflection and other hands-on exercises to assess your current uses of your time and energy and identify opportunities to shift toward a more sustainable approach.

    Please download the fillable workbook below to facilitate your discoveries through these exercises.

    Fillable_Time and Overwhelm Transformation Workbook

    07:00 MINS
  4. The Time and Overwhelm Transformation series contains 10 short videos from our popular 2-day workshop.

    The concepts and activities center around self-reflection and other hands-on exercises to assess your current uses of your time and energy and identify opportunities to shift toward a more sustainable approach.

    Please download the fillable workbook below to facilitate your discoveries through these exercises.

    Fillable_Time and Overwhelm Transformation Workbook

    05:00 MINS

6 Lessons

  1. Onboarding Plan

    Onboarding Checklist

    Group Handbook Checklist

    Link to the group handbook template from eLIFE community ambassadors:

    41:00 MINS
  2. Sheila discusses her experience of burnout, how to recognize the signs, and how to make shifts to prevent burnout

  3. Who are you as a leader? How can your personality/social style contribute to your leadership and your vision?

    Leadership Starting Point

    People Styles Assessment

    Leadership Case Studies


    Leadership Dashboard - CEC with permission: Work on this document to craft your vision for leading your team and achieving your program goals

  4. Understanding, building, and enhancing your network


    25:00 MINS

1 Lesson

  1. In this Google Doc, we'll share books, tools, and other resources that come up during our sessions.