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Grant-writing Courses & Workshops
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What do others have to say?

Grant-writing workshop

"Our office has worked with CareerVolt since 2020. The K Award Workshops and online web course have been an incredible resource for our post-docs. They continually mention how impactful it has been to work with Dr. Lerch and Dr. Cherry to learn how to strengthen their K application." -Doug Dluzen, PhD, Director Johns Hopkins University Professional Development and Career Office

Coaching / consulting

“Thank you so much for your contributions… thorough, insightful and constructive feedback, and overall professionalism. Your coaching service was well worth the investment. I look forward to continue working with you.” Associate Professor, US Dental School, following award of NIH R21 and HRSA grants

Grant-writing workshop (NIH)

"Even though I have been involved in writing 20+proposals to NIH, many of them successful, I thought the workshop was very effective in clearly conveying key points in grantsmanship. The workshop covered things that it took me the first 5-10 years of my 30 year career to learn through the experience of working with others to write grants." - Cornell University

Coaching / consulting

"I am working through your comments and they really helped to streamline my writing and put my ideas together more clearly. It has been such a pleasure working with you! You’ve really helped my confidence as a grant writer grow." -Ana Maria Porras, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Research Development Workshop

"Yesterday, I was notified that I was awarded [a foundation grant]. I submitted the Specific Aims page you helped me refine. Thank you very much for your thoughtful feedback and the grantsmanship skills you [taught] during the bootcamp." -US Early-career faculty

Coaching / consulting

“Thank you so much for helping me bring this grant to life! It goes without saying that this [award] would not have happened without your help. I’m convinced my recent successes have been totally driven by working with you!” –Assistant Professor, US Medical School, following award of first NIH R01

Grant-writing workshop

"I had a great experience in the Boot Camp! It was a rigorous, highly practical, and accessible intro to the world of NIH funding for me as a complete beginner; I really valued getting personalized feedback and across-the-board guidance from members of the group with substantial expertise, and from our instructors." -Research staff

Grant-writing workshop (NIH K awards)

"Going through each element of the application with advice on writing it helped demystify the process and lower the barrier to start writing." -US Early-career physician-scientist

Grant-writing workshop

"That workshop [NIH Grant Writing Boot Camp] was out-of-this-world amazing!!!!!!! I've read a couple of grant writing books and attended a few workshops but the advice you gave for everything including the biosketch and research plan was next level." -Assistant Professor, Cornell University


"I think working with you over the last year was so incredibly helpful.  I don't think I would have been able to accomplish even the tiniest fraction of the things that I did without your guidance and I'm so grateful for your help." -Assistant Professor, Emory University

    Banish Writer's Block: A 5-Point Framework for Getting Words on the Page

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